**This article has been edited for factual accuracies. Pebbles was not actually present in London, Ontario during the attack on our Supreme Leader Justin Trudeau. The attack was done with an assault-style rock by a far-right Terrorist. The Woke & Mail will not apologize, as our Editor-in-Chief was confused when reading a very poorly-worded tweet about the incident yesterday. (This was not a mistake and should not be considered a mistake). The article will remain up, until our webmaster returns from Burning Man and shows us how to take it down.**
LONDON, ON – Our dear leader was attacked yesterday for simply doing his job in south eastern Ontario – campaigning for your vote. Justin Trudeau was smiling, waving, and announcing the vaccine passport system just moments before an unprovoked attack changed everything. The incident has politicians questioning their very safety while on the campaign trail.
Most interesting about this incident, however, is not just Pebble’s presence at the rally where Trudeau was struck, but the nefarious connections and associations that she keeps as a pre-historic toddler.
Pebble’s close friend Bamm-Bamm has a history of violence.

According to some of Bamm-Bamm’s forum activity online that we were able to recover at the Woke & Mail, Bamm-Bamm has connections to the far right. Bamm-Bamm was leaving comments on the same threads and same posts as other Canadian members of the Proud Boys. This undoubtedly confirms him as an official member. For those unaware of this vile group, the Proud Boys is a far-right terrorist organization. Other members of the organization include: Gavin McInnes, Jordan Peterson, Red Skull, and the bad guy from Remember The Titans.
These people must be stopped and Justin Trudeau is the man to do it. Only once we cherish Trudeau to become our official Supreme Leader and get rid of elections entirely, will we finally be safe. We at the Woke & Mail are here to help with just that. Click on our donate link to support our non-partisan journalism. VOTE LIBERAL.