Wine, Weed, and More Wine: Celebrating Elizabeth May’s Green Party Legacy

Elizabeth May

Elizabeth May is a woman that needs no introduction. From her bold declarations of oil being dead to her glamorous trips around the world in private jets, Elizabeth’s strength and poise is unrivalled in Canadian politics. She is a strong Canadian woman who champions environmental policy and horoscopes above all else. We chatted with Elizabeth over a box of wine to talk about her retirement as the Green Party Leader and how far she has come. **Listen to the full conversation below.

After Elizabeth described her favourite type of boxed wine, and before we got into our first question, she repeated one of her brave and bold stances:

“Omar Khadr, you’ve got more class than the whole f-cking cabinet.”

We love Elizabeth May because she is a cogent politician that has never had to rely on exaggeration, gimmicks or hyperbole. Fawning over Mr. Khadr is a shining example of May’s leadership. Embracing climate terrorism is something we fully endorse at the Woke & Mail and championing a former Al-Qaeda child soldier is the forward thinking this country needs more of. It is 2021 after all.

During our conversation we learned that the inspiration of the “Green Party” name comes from smoking a joint at a house party. The most interesting part was learning about her ties with Bill Clinton early on in her political career. “Me and Billy? Oh, very close,” May said when asked about the nature of their relationship. She also alluded to them having “nose beers” together.

We asked Elizabeth about upcoming policies we can look forward to from the green energy movement, to which she gleefully responded:

“Everybody gets two extra birthdays and we’re going to ban all industries. Banned! Green economy!”


It’s sad to watch a strong intelligent woman step down from her leadership position in the Green Party. Thankfully, there is a Jewish BIPOC woman to take her place, Annamie Paul.

**Contrary to what you may hear in the above recording, Elizabeth did not actually share her opinion on Annamie Paul. The recording starts to glitch around the 3/4 mark. A Russian hacker may have tampered with our conversation recording, for which we apologize.


I am sure we speak for Mrs. May and all the Green Party supporters when we say we are very excited to see a BIPOC woman leading the party. Unfortunately the new leader, although Jewish, is not transgender or disabled. Baby steps are important, but there is clearly much more work to be done. Perhaps we will soon see Omar Khadr as a Green Party candidate? We certainly hope so!


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